The Azerbaijan Energy Regulatory Agency (AERA) Working Group established for implementation of measures to discuss proposals submitted by experts with the financial support of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as well as improvement of legislative acts and other documents in the frame of the Project on Supporting of the Azerbaijan Energy Regulatory Agency met for discussion of ongoing issues in the Baku Business Centre on the 6th of March, 2019. After opening remarks, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the AERA Mr. Samir Akhundov thanked to the representatives of different organizations of the relevant field, local and international experts and other Working Group members for participation. Then Mr. Akhundov announced the outline agenda.
The Working Group members shared their thoughts on implementation of the leading international practice in Azerbaijan to support activities of the Agency. The Group members and experts exchanged their experience on different topics related to the field. A session of roundtables of small groups was arranged for brainstorming purposes.
The Working Group members representing the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the AERA, Azerigas, Azeristiliktajhizat, Azerenergy and Azerishig initiated effective proposals to achieve goals and ways aiming at solutions.
This was an interesting meeting ended by discussing of the outlines. The participants were informed about the time schedule for upcoming meetings.
İt is worth mentioning that the implementer of the Project of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the EBRD for elaboration of legal and institutional reforms to support activities of the AERA is DNV GL consulting company.
DNV GL is an international accredited registrar and classification society. It was created in 2013 as a result of a merger between two leading organizations in the field – Det Norske Veritas (Norway) and Germanischer Lloyd (Germany). DNV GL provides services for several industries including maritime, renewable energy, oil & gas and electrification.
