In 2024, the Azerbaijan Energy Regulatory Agency (AERA) received a total of 7,931 appeals, both directly and through the Ministry of Energy, concerning consumer rights protection, the supply of electricity, heat and natural gas, and other matters. Of these appeals, 6,821 were related to electricity supply, including 819 of informational nature. There were 828 appeals regarding natural gas supply, with 81 of them being informational. The Agency received a total of 123 appeals regarding heat supply, out of which 8 were informational. Meanwhile, 159 appeals concerned other issues, with 15 of them being informational.
Out of the appeals received, 6,704 were investigated and responded by the Agency, 87 appeals were forwarded to the relevant institution for further consideration and action, and 26 appeals were executed jointly with the Ministry of Energy.
Currently, 278 appeals are under consideration. 465 of the 923 informational appeals were expressions of gratitude for resolved issues.
During the reporting period, commissioning certificates were issued for electrical units installed in 139 new and reconstructed facilities, as well as in the facilities with increased capacity and updated power supply schemes, which had been granted permission for use. Operational clearance was granted for industrial gas facilities constructed under 350 approved projects.
At the same time, inspection of the technical condition of 211 electricity billing meters took place with participation of representatives from Azerenerji OJSC and Azerishiq OJSC.
A total of 384 administrative offense cases were examined under the relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan, falling under the Agency’s competence. Of these, decisions were made to impose administrative penalties in 377 cases, proceedings were terminated in 7 cases, and 1 case was referred to court.
Additionally, 1,132 control measures were conducted to assess the technical operation of electrical installations, adherence to safety rules and electricity usage.
Fifty-eight control measures were carried out to investigate the technical operation of heating installations, compliance with safety regulations and the use of thermal energy.
Moreover, 953 control measures were implemented to ensure adherence to “Gas Usage Rules,” efficient utilization of gas, reliable operation of gas facilities, and compliance with other regulatory acts.
During the reporting period, the professional knowledge of 712 electrotechnician staff and personnel responsible for electrical facilities in 279 enterprises was assessed regarding technical operation rules and safety, and methodological assistance was extended to relevant individuals in this regard.